Thursday 16 September 2010

so far, this year has been pretty interesting but i think the last few months will be the absolute cream on the year. i've devised a list of things that i'm looking forward to, to keep me positive through anything bad things that could happen!
♥ getting paid next week, i've found a website selling westwood bags for ridiculously low prices, so i'm literally buying four. & then go on a massive shopping trip.
♥ touring with the bridal procession for a week, really looking forward to being stuck in a van with smelly french boys, not understanding a word they're saying. but it means i get to see everyone i've been missing around the uk and have an amazing time being involved!
♥ my 18th birthday, holy fuck i've been waiting for this one for a long time. no need to even explain what is going to happen. i've taken the day off work the day after because i know i'll probably be on the verge of dying; and then i need to get a train down to leeds in the morning to see the other half. looking/smelling/feeling like death.
♥ flat searching! i've decided i want to be a big girl by next year, so i'm on the hunt for somewhere nice i can smack a deposit down on. i'm postponing it till november, when i've saved a bit of money in the bank!

that's pretty much just up till november, but christmas is a bit obvious. i'm excited for winter clothes shopping too! furry hats and fur-lined booties, big knited jumpers and acceptable winter make-up.

& i've got my heart set on this little beauty! roll on pay-day.

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